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A2 Cow Cultured Ghee, Desi Gir Cow
A2 Cow Cultured Ghee, Desi Gir Cow
I am thrilled to be a part of TBOF's journey towards a better and healthier future for all. I believe in TBOF's vision and commitment to empowering rural communities through organic farming.
I have been personally consuming their products and also visited their farms and spent an entire day - was amazed to see their holistic practices and the food and farming revolution the brothers are creating from a small village in India.
Food from Farm
Organic Farming isn't a type of farming but a way of life. Besides being workers of the soil, farmers believe in community strength and rely on the natural interconnection of species!
It is common practice to make Ghee using cream or malai. "Culturing" is the process of inoculating either cream or milk with a natural curd starter for it to undergo fermentation to make Curd (Yoghurt) or Dahi. This Curd is then churned to separate the white butter (makkhan) which is then slowly heated and clarified to make Ghee.
It starts with the health of the Cows - both physical and mental. Our Cows are treated with love, they graze freely, feed on all that grows naturally around the farm. Our's is a certified Organic farm by ECOCERT. Our cows are of the indigenous pure breed Gir variety. They are not artificially inseminated. We collect the milk only after the calf is fed its share.
The Ghee is made the traditional way - we use fire wood and sun-baked cow dung cake as fuel. It is prepared in Iron Kadhais and is made by hand by farmer folk in our village.
We do not make Ghee from direct cream or Malai. Fresh milk is boiled, cooled down naturally, inoculated with Curd starter and left to ferment overnight. During Predawn hours (Brahmamahurat) the Dahi is churned to separate fresh white butter (Makkhan) which is then clarified over firewood to make Ghee.