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Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)

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Full Moon Cultured Ghee
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Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)
Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)
Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)
Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)

Full Moon Cultured Ghee (Full Moon Ghee)

Sale price$45
Size:16.90 oz

A rare treasure, crafted with care and tradition, our Full Moon Cultured Ghee is no less than a health wonder. Made from the milk of free-grazed Gir cows, this ghee is churned on the waxing phase of the full moon, absorbing the energy and positivity of the night sky.

Produced in small batches each month, this age-old practice gives the ghee an enhanced potency, infusing it with rich nutrients and natural goodness. It’s not just a ghee, but nature’s way of nourishing your body.

Pure, unrefined, and free from additives or preservatives, our Full Moon Ghee is the perfect addition to your daily ritual. With only 12 batches made each year, it’s as special as the moon that creates it.

It is best before 1 year from the date of packaging.



A2 Gir cow milk , A2 Gir cow curd starter.


- The shift in energy fie­lds during the full moon has a positive impact on ghee­ at the molecular leve­l.

- Full moon-made ghee provide­s a supercharged nutritional boost.

- The lunar energies during a full moon ease the­ mind and nerves.

- Ghee­ made at these lunar phase­s also strengthens the body.

Storage Info

Keep the A2 Culture­d Brahmi Ghee away from direct sun and only use­ a dry spoon to keep the fre­shness and taste.

1. What is Full Moon Ghee?

TBOF full moon Ghee is a special and limited Ghee that we make only on Full Moon nights.

2.What is the difference between your cultured Desi Cow Ghee and your Full Moon Ghee?

The main difference between the two is the production time and the significance that this has on the Full moon Ghee

Process wise - Desi Cow Ghee is made early in the morning on a daily basis

Full Moon Ghee is made during the waxing phase of the moon. It is made in limited quantities. Just 12 small batches made in a year.

3. What is the significance and benefit of Full Moon Ghee?

Full Moon or Poornima has always had a special significance in Indian tradition and culture and has a great belief in the minds of mankind that the changing phases of the moon have a vital significance in all walks of our lives. The practice of making ghee on a full moon night is considered auspicious as the moon is believed to influence or control, “Soma”. Soma is considered the juice or essence of plants, and of life itself. In the Vedas, milk is said to be the essence of grass, and ghee is said to be the essence of milk. Therefore, the waxing moon and full moon represents the increase of this essential quality.

Theoretically, the water in our body, which roughly amounts to 70 per cent of our physical existence, is periodically affected by the phases of the moon in the same way as its gravitational force controls the tides and tidal eddies. The fluidity in our body shifts and changes the balance in our mind, which activates our emotions to the extreme. Lunar effects on our body and mind were known to ancient Indians and the English word ‘lunatic’ is derived from ‘luna’ or the moon. The full moon emanates the most vibrant and luminescent energies of the lunar cycle whenever the earth is between the moon and sun. We believe that Ghee made on Full moon night does absorb all the powerful energy. The benefit of this ghee in addition to the benefits of an A2 culture Desi Cow Ghee, may include lubrication of joints, aids absorption of nutrients, reduction of inflammation and calming of the mind.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1559 reviews
Sheeba Suresh
Authentic Ghee!

The Ghee is so smooth and true to its taste. Above that being processed during the Full moon, adds to its own goodness!! Will definitely recommend it.
Appreciate your authenticity. :)

Divya Tejaswini
Best for acne prone skin

Acne was my common issue when consuming even the home made ghee. But this lactose free is not only soothing but doesn't break out my skin. It's natural essence can be felt through every spoon. Truly an amazing product.

Shayer sehli Batres

Great product.
Buy it again

Anupama Kapoor

Full Moon Cultured Ghee, Desi Gir Cow

Umji desai

Thank yoy

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