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Why Is Ghee Made During The Eve Of The Full Moon Considered Auspicious?

Why Is Ghee Made During The Eve Of The Full Moon Considered Auspicious?

Ayurveda believes that the waxing period of the moon is a time when all of nature is at its heightened sensory state. The blades of grass, the nectar in the flowers is thought to be at optimum, enhanced by the vibrations of the waxing moon. The ghee that is made at the eve of the full moon is believed to imbibe all these tremendous nourishing properties thereby increasing the nutritive value of the full moon ghee.

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There is just so much about astrology that we don’t even think to pursue beyond the horoscopes. Astrology is an intricate science which studies the effects of the solar system on human lives. People may think it’s hogwash or superstitious mumbo jumbo but the change in vibrations caused by the shift in planetary positions, the waxing and waning of the moon cycle etc, do influence life on earth.

full moon ghee by Two Brothers Organic Farms
We humans as an evolved species have lost that sense of aligning our vibrations with that of the Universe. The plant and animal species however do continue to respond to the vibrational changes happening around them.

Even the Sanskrit calendar revolves around the solar system. That’s why festivals in India are never on one particular date but keep changing based on the Sanskrit calendar, each year. Lunar vibrations do have a direct bearing on the emotions of a person, whether we like to admit or not. In fact the term “lunatic” was derived from the influence of the moon on people’s emotional state of mind. Unfortunately that word today focuses more on the negative than on the possibility of the mind working at a different frequency.

Ayurveda believes that the waxing period of the moon is a time when all of nature is at its heightened sensory state. The blades of grass, the nectar in the flowers is thought to be at optimum, enhanced by the vibrations of the waxing moon. The ghee that is made at the eve of the full moon is believed to imbibe all these tremendous nourishing properties thereby increasing the nutritive value of the full moon ghee.

The milk of the desi cow procured during this waxing period is said to have enhanced nutrition. The frequency emitted by the waxing moon on the eve of the full moon is said to stimulate growth and energize the body and mind.

Full Moon Ghee, Ghe made during the Full Moon, Waxing phase of the Moon, Moon's effect on life on earth, Ghee Made during the waxing of the moon, Full moon Ghee, Full moon magic, Two Brothers organic Farms India, Full Moon Rituals, Full Moon Ghee as per Ayurveda


If one were to view the gravitational effect on changing tides in ocean currents then it is easy to understand the effect the moon’s vibrational changes have on the human body. The human body is made up of 3/4th water. The water molecules respond to the change in frequencies of the moon and control our emotional needs and changes. Because of the proximity of the moon to the Earth, the vibrations are said to have a deeper effect.

Making ghee during this phase of the moon is a practice since ancient times because it is believed to have tremendous benefits which protect the system. It is thought that the intake of full moon ghee will induce positive chemical secretions in the brain which will calm the nervous system and keep the body in a state of mental bliss.

Another theory which supports the nutritive benefits of full moon ghee is that when the cows graze in the open fields during this period of the waxing moon, the grass and plants are rich in minerals. It is stated that the blades almost reach up to the sky feeling that vibrational pull. This kind of energy then gets translated into the milk which is enhanced with these properties.

Full Moon Ghee, Ghe made during the Full Moon, Waxing phase of the Moon, Moon's effect on life on earth, Ghee Made during the waxing of the moon, Full moon Ghee, Full moon magic, Two Brothers organic Farms India, Full Moon Rituals, Full Moon Ghee as per Ayurveda

The butter and ghee made from this milk is known to be rich in properties as well. Though it is also thought to be an emotional time for most people, following a ritual of this kind (making ghee) also helps to keep the mind in control and reach a state of calm.

Making full moon ghee is thought of as a service to the community and not just for oneself. It promotes Vedic feelings of caring for others as an act of selfless service.

At Two Brothers Organic Farm full moon ghee is made in small batches with the limited quantity of milk available. The moon is said to be in control of “soma” , the source of nourishment and heightened sense of happiness.

It just goes to show that we are not separate from nature. We may believe that we are in control but that is only with regard to free will. Nature’s elements have worked in harmony since time immemorial ,along with the mysteries of the Universe. It makes more sense to harness the benefits rather than obstruct the same, bound by skepticism.

The full moon ghee is a part of ancient wisdom. Far be it for us to try and refute it. To Buy the Full Moon Ghee we make at TBOF, click here.

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