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There is Hope - #HealthforAll

There is Hope - #HealthforAll

The founding day of the World Health Organisation (WHO), 7th April is celebrated by the WHO as World Health Day. The theme for 2019 is Universal Health for All.

Well, there are a multitude of reasons why this Day is of such importance to us.

We say it yet again with utmost conviction - The food we eat has the most profound impact on our health.

The food we choose has an impact on our environment. The environment of course impacts all forms of life. Not just humans.

Sounds pretty obvious.

Yes it is.

Vandana Shiva, physicist and environmentalist, who also happens to be a bright source of inspiration for us said, “All life depends on the soil”.

As farmers, we are fortunate to be at the exact center-point of this story-line. Workers of the soil are in the most truest sense, craftsman of health. Health of all life on this planet.

So, in the context of the World Health Day this year and it's theme - 'Universal Health for All', we urge you to take some time out to pause and reflect.

If in case you are still reading this, you are already in this! With us. :-)

Soil health, farming practices, food safety and sustainability are issues which are coming to the forefront. 2019 is poised to be the year of the Soil. The damage done to the planet and its resources globally continue to remain grave. HOWEVER, there are many many farmers the world over, quietly working on the soil - recovering one acre at a time.

Many of these small farmers have been victims themselves of years and years of conditioning - A conditioning that reinforced a dreamy life of prospects separated from nature and it's ways - a bizarre theory that advocated harnessing of all forces of nature unto human benefit.

Universal Health Coverage includes the full spectrum of Primary care from Prevention, to treatment and rehabilitation. Our indigenous ancient wisdom teaches us clearly that Primary care is about caring for lives, caring for people and preventing disease and is not just about management or cure of disease once they have occurred. Primary health care is a holistic, 'whole-of-society’ kind of approach to health and well-being of not just individuals but communities on the whole. All important stakeholders in Food Production and it's Supply including Farmers, food processing and packaging units are directly responsible for long term prevention of food related communicable and non communicable conditions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a community case study which revealed the contribution of Farmer Markets based at Penn State Hershey Medical center for two years to advance and support the preventive health goals of patients. The interpretations outlined by the study stated that ‘farmer markets that are developed around local needs and operate recurrently for extended periods may be especially valuable in areas that have a high prevalence of chronic disease. Collaborative partnerships between medical center's and farmers markets could promote preventive care goals in multiple geographies.’

To summarize, we'd like you to check out this video. Dr. Zach Bush M.D a specialist with three board certifications in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism bravely wears his emotions proudly as a cape in this video. We are in awe of your commitment, Doctor!

He urges us to pledge our support for this movement through the smallest decisions we make - our choices at the grocery store, to participate at farmers markets and how farmers are just as much desperate for alternate answers to chemical farming as they are for access to communities.


Let's say it with him - There is hope.

'We', dear friends, ARE the hope that there is!



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